Ex Convento di San Francesco - Pordenone / Italy - January 26 2019

Pordenone is located at about 70 Km North-Est from Venice
and there are good train connections between the 2 cities but not over the night...

Ticket at the door euro 15.-
NB: event limited to 150 entries (maybe few more...)

On-line Tickets @: https://xv-congresso-post-industriale-pordenone.eventbrite.it 

Of course OLD EUROPA CAFE will be there with his stall and a wide selection of our mail-order.
If interested in material reservation feel free to ask for any item from the OEC mail-order!
We will be pleased to reserve requests items and bring the whole for you to the venue.
For an overview on our mail order go to: www.oldeuropacafe.com

The CONGRESSO is YOU / Come do the CONG!