Riistettyjen Antologia
13.00 €
“Cocon & Oiseau de Nuit” is a longform piece from 2006,
hypnotic minimalist guitar & electronics work relating to O’Malley’s
"Keep an Eye Out" (Table of the Elements 2009) & "Salt" (Ideal
This piece was originally created and explored as a though process
experiment leading up to O’Malley’s work on SUNN O)))’s “Monoliths &
Dimensions”/“Kannon” sessions throughout 2007-2008.
The original recordings of this piece were revisited and developed
fundamentally in 2010 for the initial cassette edition and again in 2017
for this vinyl edition.
Guitar & synth saturation and amplifier feedback are the names of the games here, as always.
A Untitled 19:46
B Untitled 21:02
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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