Manifesto Rumorarmonico Post Futurista
17.00 €
Re-edition into digital format of the full "Macrocephalous Compost" video series !
The 3 parts of this series was and still are a big visual document on the Industrial and
Neo-Folk scene of the 90es ....
Many very professional studio clips as well as many live videos ....
Featuring :
- Deutsch Nepal
- Thirdorgan
- Shin
- Sigillum S
- Batchas
- Allerseelen
- Contagious Orgasm
- Deca
- Endvra
- Richard Ramirez
- Crawl Unit
- Alio Die
- Shinjuku Filth
- Marcello Fraioli (Ain Soph)
- Death Squad
- Murder Corporation
- Incapacitants
Professionaly printed DVD housed in DVD-Box.
All regions DVD.
Old Europa Cafe AVS
kalamun webdesign
01.09.2007 - Heathen Harvest
Please visit below link for review.
Read it on Heathen Harvest