Deadly Sins


CD Digipack (TumorCD48) - MALIGNANT

11 years after making his debut on Malignant side label, Black Plague, the legendary Control returns home to roost, with another pulverizing display of power.
7 tracks, thematically centered around the 7 deadly sins (with each track clocking in at the 7 minute), originally released as lmtd CDr for the Elektroanschlag 11 festival.
There is no atonement here, nor redemption offered.
Just cold, jarring currents of massively built power electronics and horror filled death industrial, full of clamoring factory debris, razor sharp sheets of sonic violence, and grisly metallic grind, rounded out with Garrison's trademark vocal devastation.
Album comes in 4 panel digipak, designed by John Balistreri of Slogun.

1. Sloth
2. Pride
3. Wrath
4. Gluttony
5. Lust
6. Greed
7. Envy

12.00 €
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