Septic Sterility

M.B. [Maurizio Bianchi] / FRAG

CD Digipak (4iB074) - 4iB

Limited Edition 300 copies

” Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path ” ( Psalm 109 :105 )

The human voice was mankind’s first musical instrument and has been elemental in human expression throughout history.
From paeans of the exalted in religious ceremonies to songs of love, lust, filth and fury; the human voice has been utilised by humanity to express every level of emotional existence that we can possibly envisage.
Italian electronic artist Maurizio Bianchi eschewed the desire to vocalize his emotions, instead using the soulless blanket of electronic morass to express his dissatisfaction with the world.
In a world that sought to crush the soul and the spirit there existed no outlet that the vocal cords could generate that would be able to convey the deep sense of anguish that bore down upon the soul.
Instead the machines would be coaxed and tortured into sputtering life in order to give a voice to one whose torment had rendered themselves voiceless.
The majority of MB’s output in his initial phase of sonic terrorism was purely based upon instrumental articulations.
There was however the usage of his own voice upon the seminal 1984 album Armaghedon whereupon Maurizio utters a mournful low howl of stomach churning intensity.
This was not a howl of rage but one of a abject anguish.
After that howl the music ceased for many many years.

Septic Sterility is the second full length collaborative album from MB & FRAG ( Stephen Burroughs – Head Of David/Tunnels Of Ah ) and takes a very different path to that of the previous album; 2020’s Psychation.
The album consists of five tracks, three relatively short works that feature vocals by Maurizio and two lengthy instrumental works.
The shorter tracks with vocals have the distinct air of almost being introductions to the two longer pieces as they seem to build up the emotional intensity before we are cast into the dark smelter.
Maurizio’s spoken words are processed through a gamut of filters and at times resemble some kind of signal intercepted from another dimension. Both dreamlike and nightmarish these words appear to be biblical texts being spoken in the Italian language but at times they fragment and collapse in on themselves.
The words are crushed till they spit out from the speakers as a blizzard of staccato shards of sound.
Layer upon layer of overloaded electronic drones are the sea upon what the texts are buoyed upon with the shifting static giving the voice an almost transcendental air of mystery.
This album is a wake up call to the potential dystopian future that awaits us all.
A bleak, haunting warning that we should acknowledge before its too late.

1.  Infected Asepsis (3:07)
2.  Poisonous Depuration (26:09)
3.  Virulent Disinfection (6:51)
4.  Toxic Medication (27:35)
5.  Septic Sterility (4:55)

13.00 €
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