


This is a stunning collection of full-colour reproductions of paintings by Saturno Buttò, an Italian Maestro for contemporary / neo-classic oil painting !

Sottomondo Edizioni is pubblishing this Catalogue Book to coincide with next Saturno's exhibition in Los Angeles / USA .
This lavishly illustrated art book, including some Italian texts with English transalations, collects works that have been completed after year 2000 and presents some of Saturno's most impressive and astonishing paintings where the artist mixes fetishism, martyrs and saints under his peculiar point of view ...Controversial portraits of a little naked girl, references to catholic iconography, s/m ...

De-lux red leather cover, gilded ornaments,red satin bookmark, about 100 paintings reproductions, this hardback art book looks really like a unique unholy rite bible ...
Don't miss it !

Book weight: Kg 0,8

29.00 €
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